Performance Against Strategy


Performance Against Strategy

The past year at SANBS has been transformative, marked by the successful implementation of the BECS system. Reflecting on our performance against the 2023/2024 Scorecard, we celebrate the value created while acknowledging the significant challenges we faced.

Reflecting on our performance against the 2023/2024 Scorecard and how we added value

Navigating these obstacles with agility and strategically adjusting our business model, we prioritised accelerating our digital journey. This involved focusing on certain projects while placing others on hold to ensure the successful implementation of the BECS system. Throughout it all, our commitment to maintaining a consistent supply of blood products remained paramount.

Looking back on the work completed and results achieved, it is clear that we have made significant strides in strengthening the foundations of our operation. However, the pursuit of excellence is a continuous journey and we have also identified areas for further improvement. Below, we further unpack the various components of our performance against our iHEALTh strategy.

Target achieved/exceeded
New initiative on track against current plan (no concerns)
No concerns
Target achieved/exceeded

New initiative on track against current plan (no concerns)
Improvement YOY
No concerns yet
Below target



  • Improve and expand current products and services through innovation.

Strategic Priorities

  • Unlock other revenue streams-enhance services and innovative product mix
  • Lead the development, commercialisation and delivery of cellular therapies

Related Material Matters

Contribution to Long-term Sustainable Value

Key Measured Initiatives Target IR 2022 IR 2023 Progress April 2023 to March 2024

Alternative revenue
R80m R69.97m R80m
Reason: Cellular therapy procedures
#Publications in peer reviewed journals 11 20 14 14
RAD Academy Successful launch Progress with Senior Leadership Immersive programme and management programmes with Wits Further awareness created with internal employees to promote learning and development opportunities
Ongoing learning and development to ensure a future-fit workforce is a critical priority. Building a strong partnership with the HPCSA is vital to streamline the accreditation process for Phlebotomist training and address the current skills shortage. Excellent progress made with offering digital courses, learning cafés, webinars. An African Transfusion Indaba was held in September 2023 with invitees from several African countries.
Drone Project Project plan Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) approved SANBS’ licence to deploy drones Not live due to delays in CAA approvals. CAA approval has been granted for one route only
The project team faces significant challenges in getting drones operational. The Quantum System Tron drones were grounded due to loss of telemetry beyond 5 km, violating safety specifications, with no further support from the supplier. SANBS is exploring alternative solutions. Additionally, alternative drones from Wingcopter were delayed due to non-compliance with European EMF standards, requiring extensive re-engineering. The new drones are now expected to be available in Q1 of 2025, and SANBS is reviewing its strategy in light of the various hurdles.
BECS Implementation Project plan Key milestones are closely monitored Implementation delays
BECS went live in November 2023. This launch represented a significant milestone for SANBS, resulting in several improvements related to the digitalisation of the donor questionnaire and donor convenience. Additionally, it enhanced traceability and led to a substantial reduction in paper-based work.
SARS-CoV-2 sero-prevalence study Complete study Wrote pre-print paper for sero-prevalence; completed testing and analysis and longitudinal testing for frequent repeat donors Study complete and being submitted to peer reviewed journal
Data collection and analysis is ongoing.
Smart fridges Project plan Pilot study underway First smart fridge operationalised
Placement of additional smart fridges requires individual interfacing into BECS as well as ensuring reliable connectivity. Good success has been achieved with the fridge placed at Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital.

Human Centred Collections


  • Enhance donor experience through a human centred approach. Enhance brand advocacy.

Strategic Priorities

  • Increase capacity and capability to collect more blood
  • Determine true blood demand
  • Manage deferrals to acceptable levels through strategic initiatives
  • Ensure improved donor outcomes and excellence and deliver excellence in donor care
  • Focus on new donors, youth and black donors

Related Material Matters

Contribution to Long-term Sustainable Value

Key Measured Initiatives Target IR 2022 IR 2023 Progress April 2023 to March 2024

% Deferrals from all donations
<15.0% 10.15% 11.1% 10.5%
#Ferritin testing–- Roll out in Zones (#IronStrong) Reduce iron deficiency amongst donors Developed and implemented ferritin testing algorithms Iron management programme implemented for donors with low ferritin
Digital donor awareness and education through increased social media coverage. New and enhanced quality iron replacement tablets procured.
No. of source plasma collections >=63 996 39 130
72.6% of target
40 524
63% of target
Process of converting group A & AB donors is ongoing to increase Source Plasma collections. This is a long-term project

38 909
60.80% of target
Source plasma collection was below target as the focus was on on BECS implementation and whole blood and platelets collections. However, the shortfall was offset by recovered plasma from whole blood, ensuring that the overall supply to the National Bioproducts Institute remained on target.

Days’ cover (Group O Blood)
5 4.1 4.1
The days covered were below target from December 2023 to March 2024, largely due to some challenges in collections planning encountered after the launch of BECS. Refer to material matter 2.

#of units of Apheresis platelets collected
>=22 000 19 627 21 121
A strategic project is in place to increase numbers with additional donor centres opened

21 931
Apheresis platelet collections and pooled platelet production continued to increase. To better meet the demand for platelets, SANBS embarked on a strategy to increase collections over weekends. Although we fell just short of our target, we still managed to increase collections compared to the previous year. A revised platelet strategy to further increase apheresis collections and offer an alternative filtered pooled platelet was initiated.

% First time donors aged 16 – 30 years
>70% 69% 71.6%
Consistent Y-o-Y growth, primarily attributed to increased accessibility to schools post the pandemic

Much lower than expected number of new donors in this age group in Q3. The impact of donors taking longer to donate with eProgesa, during the 1st two months post implementation, reduced the number of donors who donated at school blood drives during Q4.

Black donors as a percent of total donors
>=38% 39% 46.7% 43.2%
Social media engagement 95% of target value 26% 74.8%
Although numerous posts based on campaigns, engagement levels across all platforms were low

To attract and retain donors, a targeted social media campaign featuring the SANBS Wellness Support Programme was launched. This initiative leverages an engaging digital series packed with educational, relatable, and easy-to-understand content, driving traffic to our social media pages and website.

Whole blood collection (Group O)
>=493 177 457 523 484 515
Collections for Q4 were 98,13% of target. Did not meet target but collections increased by 26 867 (5,87%) compared to 2021/2022 and 4.18% compared to 2019/2020

475 422 (96.40%)
Impact of BECS implementation on collections was significant from November 2023 to January 2024 contributing towards collections for the year being below target. Refer to material matter 2.
Innovative ways to collect blood Ongoing Ongoing Various campaigns implemented. Digital donor experience delayed with delayed implementation of BECS
Various campaigns launched and donor questionnaires/registrations have been automated, however there has been a delay in implementing the donor app.

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