Governing Structures and Delegation


Governing Structures and Delegation

Principles 6,7,8,9 and 10

Committees of the Board

Principle 8 applied

The Board ensures that its arrangements for delegation within its own structures promote independent judgement and assists with the balance of power and the effective discharge of duties.

Governance, Social and Ethics Committee

Declaration: The committee has executed its responsibilities in accordance with its Board approved mandate.

Committee Purpose and how it Contributes to Value Creation

The overarching role of the committee entails discharging its statutory duties by ensuring that SANBS acts ethically and that there is an ethical culture across the Company with regard to:

  • Sustainable social and economic development
  • Corporate citizenship
  • Stakeholder relationships
  • Governance

The committee relies on the work of the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee (HRRC) with respect to employment equity as well as the safety and the dignity of employees, and the Clinical Governance Committee (CGC) as regards the safety of employees, donors, recipients, and the provision of safe blood, ensuring that at least annually it obtains assurances from both committees that their respective responsibilities have been adequately addressed.

Members of the Committee during the Period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

  • Gary Leong (Chairperson)
  • Ansie Ramalho (until 25 November 2023)
  • Brendan Damons (co-opted member)
  • Lerato Molefe
  • Phindile Mthethwa
  • Thabo Mokgatlha
  • Ravi Reddy (CEO)

100% Attendance

Key focus areas and value creating activities for the period under review

Ethics Management

Monitored progress to achieve objectives of the integrated Ethics and Culture Programme – including:

  • Formation of an internal Ethics Management Committee and ongoing training initiatives facilitated by Ethics Ambassadors conducting sessions on ethics moments
  • Employee disclosures of interest - high at above 90% participation rate
  • Policy revisions including the approval of the Conflicts of Interest Policy and a separate Gift and Hospitality Policy
  • Establishment of an ethics help desk
  • Noted the tip-offs anonymous reports, including a trend analysis. Efforts continue to improve the management of tip-offs through discussions with management on better handling of investigations and also use of the tip-offs line by staff and stakeholders
  • Oversight of the improvement in culture and organisational well-being
  • Updating of Human Capital Management policies to reflect gender-neutral terms in line with the policy review cycle


Reviewed governance documents and policies to enhance and embed good governance practices and support structural arrangements, including:

  • Reviewing committee terms of reference, one outcome of which was a reduction in the annual number of meetings from 4 to 3
  • Reviewing and approving the committee work plan
  • Reviewing the board charter and annual work plan

Workplace/Social and Economic Development

Noted feedback on HR and remuneration:

  • Wellness initiatives are ongoing, including a focus on early intervention to prevent prolonged absenteeism and illness
  • Increased diversity and inclusion interventions through the RAD Academy for more effective skills development and recruitment

Noted Feedback on Transformation and B-BBEE Verification Outcomes:

  • SANBS achieved level 3 B-BBEE rating, with ongoing initiatives in ESD to address verified points and ensure targets are continuously met

Noted public health and safety relevant feedback from the Clinical Governance Committee:

  • CGC monitors blood supply safety and donor and staff health and wellness through standardised and ad-hoc reports
  • Medico-legal reports provide updates on instances impacting patient and donor safety
  • Key health and safety issues include incorrect or incompatible blood products, lab turnaround times, and high rates of iron deficiency among donors
  • Staff health and wellness particularly of safety events risking blood-borne infections
  • Industrial relations management updates

Social Environment

Monitored progress with implementation of the SANBS stakeholder engagement strategy, including. stakeholder reports and consideration of stakeholder risks:

  • Strategic prioritisation of stakeholder management and engagement, with an emphasis on forward-looking controls to anticipate stakeholder issues and opportunities
  • Enhancing donor communication and information sharing
  • Ongoing efforts to ensure a comprehensive perspective on stakeholder engagements, including initiation of research studies for blood donation, targeting donors aged 16 to 25, guided by SANBS research experts

Corporate Citizenship

  • Considered activities contributing to and enhancing donations, charitable giving and socio-economic development
  • Guided reporting of ESD initiatives in the transformation report, noting that initiatives in other African countries do not contribute to the overall scoring of the socio-economic development pillar of B-BBEE as this legislation is specific to the Republic of South Africa
  • Encouraged mindful contributions to communities given SANBS's not-for-profit nature and cost recovery model

Donor Structures

Considered the donor structures report and noted:

  • Training and implementation on revised rules rolled out to the various donor committee structures
  • Employee training on the operationalisation of the revised rules concluded
  • Zone committees’ annual election meetings concluded, per the timelines required by the zone donor committee rules
  • Operational efficiencies, with the potential to increase blood collections and cost savings after amalgamating Kroonstad and Welkom branches as the revised distribution of the whole blood target among the zones will reduce the disparity between large and small branches. Branch donor committees amalgamation after a consolidation consultation process. Amalgamation will be considered when reviewing the delegation of authority (DoA)
  • A workshop for [Zone/Donor] chairpersons and deputies focusing on the role of the chairperson and deputy, the code of conduct, and the fostering of a positive team culture in their structures
  • Virtual information sessions to introduce the new digitalised donation process - donor committee members have actively supported efforts to increase blood collections, particularly in the run up to the BECS go-live

Natural Environment

Reviewed the safety and environment report and discussed the following key points:

  • Workplace fatalities due to motor vehicle accidents
  • Near-miss incidents
  • Management's efforts to enhance the SHE committee's structure and membership
  • Major and minor incidents
  • Generally, a focus on greening initiatives, specifically waste management, renewable energy, water, and carbon emissions
  • Solar power generation at Mount Edgecombe

Future Focus Areas 2025

  • Further oversight of ethics management and consideration of foreseeable outcomes
  • Ongoing monitoring of the Donor Structures Report
  • Continued monitoring of progress with implementation of the SANBS stakeholder engagement strategy, including the "Procure to Pay" projects encompassing of engagement plans with suppliers to anticipate future issues or opportunities, and a youth programme targeting donors aged 16 to 25
  • Ongoing monitoring of SANBS’ B-BBEE and securing of additional points where possible
  • Continued oversight of greening initiatives, specifically further reductions of waste management, renewable energy, water, and carbon emissions
  • Provide direction and guidance in the Strategy 2025-2029 process as it relates to components in the remit of the GSEC with particular emphasis on a customer centric focus for stakeholder management





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