The SANBS Board plays a pivotal role in the corporate governance of the Company, setting the tone for ethical and effective leadership. The Board aims is to embody integrity, competence, responsibility, accountability, fairness, and transparency. For the year ended 31 March 2024, the Board is satisfied that it has fulfilled its responsibilities in line with the Companies Act, the Board Charter, King IV, and other applicable regulatory and legislative requirements.
A social licence to operate as an admired organisation with a respected reputation that builds trust with our stakeholders
Effective control, supported by the necessary systems and controls for governance, including ethics, stakeholder management, risk, compliance, and assurance
Our unwavering commitment to an ethical organisational culture that inspires a lived embodiment of the values of the organisation
Our consistently high-performance levels which create value for SANBS and our stakeholders, instilling confidence in our operations and building trust
King IV underpins SANBS' governance approach and the corporate governance principles and practices which inform this. This chapter summarises our alignment with the principles of King IV across the following categories:
The tables that follow provide a comprehensive overview of what we have in place at SANBS in response to the requirements of King IV and the committees that are responsible for monitoring them.
The Board leads SANBS ethically and effectively. The Board governs the ethics of SANBS in a way that supports an ethical culture.
The Board strives to embody integrity, competence, responsibility, accountability, fairness, and transparency in its conduct, establishing a model of ethical leadership and upholding SANBS' values.
In compliance with legal obligations, all Board members act diligently, skilfully and carefully in their duties in the best interests of SANBS.
The Board enforces an ethical code and culture within SANBS. The recently reviewed Code of Ethics is embedded within the organisation according to specific milestones that have been set to support an ethical culture. The Governance Social and Ethics Committee (GSEC) is responsible for overseeing organisational ethics and reviews an ethics management report at each meeting.
At every meeting of the Board and Committees, there is a standing agenda item where Board members are required to declare interests concerning any item on the agenda. SANBS has a Conflict of Interest Management Policy, and each Board member submits a written declaration of interests at least once a year or as and when their circumstances change.
Regular Ethics Assessments inform the Company’s ethics programme, and ongoing Ethics training sessions are conducted throughout the year.
The Board ensures that SANBS is seen as a responsible corporate citizen.
As a non-profit organisation dedicated to saving lives, the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) acknowledges the importance of contributing to society in a multitude of ways. SANBS is committed to fulfilling these objectives in the following key areas:
SANBS prioritises the well-being of its employees, including promoting employment equity and ensuring a safe and dignified work environment. This commitment is integral to the organisation's human capital strategy.
SANBS recognises the significance of economic transformation and in line with this, is committed to preventing, detecting, and responding to fraud and corruption. These efforts are aimed at maintaining integrity and accountability within the organisation.
SANBS actively engages in initiatives that contribute to public health and safety, consumer protection, community development, and the protection of human rights. These actions are reflected in the organisation's social and relationship initiatives.
SANBS acknowledges its responsibilities regarding environmental protection, including pollution and waste disposal. The organisation has implemented a greening strategy to minimise its environmental impact. (See Material Matter 5 and Natural Capital).
SANBS takes a comprehensive approach to its operations, extending beyond blood collection to encompass the entire blood value chain. This approach includes educating donors about maintaining their own health and living a healthy lifestyle, as well as raising awareness about various diseases. Through these efforts, SANBS seeks to cultivate a relationship based on increased care and trust within the community.