Our Natural Capital


Our Natural Capital

Land and Air Pollution

Sustainability Objective 3: Manage Land and Air Pollution

  • Waste will be managed in a sustainable manner following the waste hierarchy of prevention, reuse, recycle, recovery and disposal, to reduce the waste discarded in landfills and resultant carbon emissions
  • Reduce the use of fossil fuels for personal and business travel
  • Dispose of all electronic waste according to the Electronic Waste Association of South Africa (eWASA) guideline
  • Reduce paper use and ensure spent cartridges are recycled
  • Prevent or minimise noise and air pollution

FY24 Update

In FY23, significant efforts to improve recording of waste data has enabled us to better manage and control our waste outputs. In FY24, the recycling regime was extended to four additional sites. In Mt Edgecombe, a 9% increase in recycled waste resulted from awareness campaigns on waste segregation and avoiding contamination of recyclable waste.

General Waste

The service provider has been effectively separating general waste for recycling and minimising landfill disposal. While 38.7 tons (FY23: 33 tons) of carbon was saved (an increase of 17% over the previous FY), the volume of recyclable waste generated remained static at 156 tons (FY23: 156 tons). The increase in carbon savings is attributable to an additional 7.2 tons of waste recycled. Non-recyclable waste sent to landfill has decreased to 80 tons (FY23: 88 tons). Measures are being implemented to raise awareness about the need for better separation of recyclable waste at the source.

Flight Travel

Carbon emissions from business related flights (344 tons) is higher than the previous year (242 tons), which was attributable to approximately 100 employees attending the International Society for Blood Transfusion (ISBT) conference held in Cape Town, as well as the increase in business activity in general.

International travel is closely managed, resulting in a 5.5-ton reduction in carbon emissions compared to the previous year.

Road Travel

The use of road travel at SANBS encompasses couriers delivering blood and blood products, the organisation's fleet transporting employees to mobile donor clinics, and collecting blood for testing and processing, as well as employee mileage claims for business purposes.

This has led to a 33.3% increase in the transportation of blood (FY23: 1.49%) and a 14.4% increase in the use of the SANBS fleet and mileage claims by employees (FY23: 17.1%), due to increased business activity.


There has been a slight increase in printing volumes compared to the previous financial year, resulting in a net environmental impact of 55,341 kg (compared to 55,109 kg in FY23). Implementing duplex printing has contributed to saving nearly 560 cedar trees (compared to 428 trees in FY23).

Progress against our Objective

Overall, there has been a 5.70% increase in emissions (FY23: 3.80%) due to increased business activity, reduced solar power generation, higher diesel consumption during load shedding, and increased flights. However, there has been a decrease in courier mileage and energy consumption at our sites.

Plans for FY25

The majority of recyclable waste has been sent to landfill due to a combination of recyclable waste contamination with construction waste and lack of awareness among employees regarding recyclable items at the Mount Edgecombe site. Efforts are ongoing to analyse the data gathered and identify improvement initiatives. Current initiatives include waste recycling, installation of solar energy systems at Mount Edgecombe, and obtaining licenses for borehole installation at various sites. Additionally, the Corporate Services team is developing an Environmental Sustainability Strategy to review current initiatives and introduce new measures to enhance environmental sustainability efforts.


Sustainability Objective 4: Optimise Procurement

  • Ensure that the products and services procured for SANBS are as sustainable as possible, with the lowest environmental impact

FY24 Update

We have undertaken fewer new initiatives to optimise our green procurement efforts. However, we continue our practice of purchasing energy-efficient computers, recycling paper, and investing in more fuel-efficient vehicles.

Plans for FY25

The Executive: Corporate Services will take the lead in engaging key vendors to explore opportunities for reducing carbon emissions across the entire supply value chain, with support from the new Procurement Manager.

Green Building

Sustainability Objective 5: Green Building

We are committed to ensuring that all SANBS-owned buildings are constructed and operated in an environmentally sustainable manner. Our Mount Edgecombe site has earned a 5 Star Green building certification and has achieved the NET ZERO accreditation from the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA).

FY24 Update

Upgrade of Constantia Kloof (CK) was deferred to allow focus on the BECS implementation.

Plans for FY25

With the resumption of the project, we are continuing to re-zone and upgrade our offices and laboratories in CK, replicating successful greening initiatives implemented at Mount Edgecombe. A Green Building Consultant has been appointed and regulatory approvals for the site are nearing completion.

Culture Change

Sustainability Objective 6: Culture Change

SANBS operations are undertaken in a sustainable manner by environmentally conscious SANBS employees.

FY24 Update

A Greening dashboard is in place and continues to be updated quarterly. Environmental awareness campaigns are undertaken by the Safety and Environment department.

Plans for FY25

We will continue to monitor and reduce our carbon footprint, seeking areas for improvement and enhancing SANBS' Greening initiatives under the new Corporate Services management.

#Donate blood.
Save lives