The SANBS Board composition is prescribed in the MOI, which stipulates a maximum of 15 directors. A minimum of six (6) and a maximum of ten (10) non-executive directors may be elected by the National Council and is made up of a majority of Non-Executive Directors who are classified as (1) Donor Directors appointed at the Annual General Meeting by National Council and (2) Appointed Directors who the Board of Directors appoints. A maximum of two Executive Directors (ex-officio) also form part of the Board.
We consider the demographics of South Africa in the composition of the Board which shall also reflect the responsibilities and duties the Board is required to discharge and perform.
To bolster the skills on our Clinical Governance Committee (CGC) and Governance Social and Ethics Committee (GSEC), we have three co-opted members on the CGC and one co-opted member on the GSEC.
The induction of newly appointed Directors takes place through a customised programme for each Director, who is also supported by external training where required.
The Board and its respective committees may seek the expertise of external advisors, as necessary, to fulfil its obligations effectively with the Company covering the expenses.